Imagine three plus days at a summer camp for adults. Image a summer camp for creative souls, entrepreneurs, and change-makers. Imagine a weekend of connecting, listening, learning, playing, creating, laughing, crying, painting, meditating, hugging, experiencing, and living with the fullness of our being. Imagine showing up as is – raw, vulnerable, happy, sad, worried, emotional, curious, anxious, hopeful, and playful. Imagine a weekend of community building, deep learning, reflective meditation, mindful conversations, and new friendships. Imagine a weekend of homecoming, soulful humanness, and joyful play. Imagine a weekend of being with allies of love, connection, and community. Imagine all of this – that’s Camp Good Life Project (CampGLP).
Imagine a weekend where conversations can be about loss and longing, place and space, love and liberation. Imagine a weekend where our day can start with meditation and end with a collaborative puzzle. Imagine art as a way to connection. Imagine art as a form of contribution and celebration. Imagine uplifting murals of hope. Imagine learning about how art can heal. Imagine a community mural with 400+ campers. Imagine getting a piece of that mural to take home. Imagine the other half of the mural going to an art project with refugees.
Imagine noticing what gives us purpose. Imagine noticing the hard things in our life right now. Imagine noticing what keeps coming back and letting it be. Imagine noticing the struggles and what makes it worth it. Imagine noticing what we can do to serve. Imagine possibility. Imagine creating possibility for others. Imagine showing up. Imagine shedding what no longer serves us. Imagine being in the home of our heart.
Imagine a conversation on race and liberation. Imagine knowing our whole and complete truth. Imagine giving up something in order to belong. Imagine belonging. Imagine settling down into being uncomfortable. Imagine beginning with our own liberation. Imagine reconnecting with our humanity. Imagine being curious about what we have lost. Imagine reclaiming our wholeness. Imagine not being defined by place. Imagine touching into the suffering of our own being. Imagine the desire to know ourselves. Imagine taking care of ourselves.
Imagine listening. Imagine where conversations can lead. Imagine being seen. Imagine celebrating. Imagine mourning. Imagine releasing. Imagine inviting. Imagine welcoming. Imagine welcoming ourselves home.
Imagine asking, “What If?” Imagine living with openness.
Imagine celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Summer of Love with 400+ people from around the world at a summer camp for adults. Imagine CampGLP.
Much love and gratitude to Jonathan and Stephanie Fields, the Camp GLP team, crew, and volunteers for letting us live all of this and more.